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Travel Explorer Blog 2019

Top 20 Adventures for your 2020 Bucket List

Top 20 Adventures for your 2020 Bucket List

29 Dec 2019

A new decade awaits and as 2020 approaches what better way to prepare for the New Year than to start by checking off (or adding to) your travel bucket list? In no particular order, we’ve compiled a list of the top 20 tours for your 2020 bucket list to fascinating destinations that are set to inspire wonder, ignite your adventurous side and invigorate your senses. From the sparkling islands in the Philippines to Ethiopia’s Danakil Depression, the hottest place on earth, we’ve researched the top destinations, experiences and activities and compiled a list to inspire all of your travelling dreams! So, what are you waiting for? Let’s go!
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Top 8 Eco Tour Activities in Costa Rica

Top 8 Eco Tour Activities in Costa Rica

22 Dec 2019

Bordered by the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, Costa Rica is regarded as one of the most biologically diverse habitats in the world. Home to over 250 mammal species and an array of natural habitats from rainforests to volcanoes to mangrove swamps – there’s no denying that the natural landscape of Costa Rica is nothing short of phenomenal.
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Top 10 Destinations for Adventure Travel

Top 10 Destinations for Adventure Travel

16 Dec 2019

The world is big and full of countless adventures to be had. Life is short and it’s impossible to see all the things and have all the exciting experiences this planet has to offer, which makes it all the more important to make the most out of every minute. There are adventures to be had all over the world, but there are a few countries that truly stand out as the ultimate adventure destinations that should not be missed.
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The Magic of Christmas Markets in Norway

The Magic of Christmas Markets in Norway

06 Dec 2019

Christmas is a magical time that brings people together from all over the world. One of the things that’s most interesting about what is arguably the best time of year, is that although Christmas is ubiquitous around the world, every culture has its traditions and ways of celebrating it. Norway, a stunningly beautiful Scandinavian country, is rife with unique Christmas traditions and fun holiday celebrations. This winter wonderland is one of the best places to celebrate everything the holiday season has to offer.
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Top 5 Travel Destinations for Black Friday

Top 5 Travel Destinations for Black Friday

29 Nov 2019

The holiday season is upon us once again. This time of year brings so many wonderful and exciting things like reconnecting with long distance family and friends, delicious food, and surprises. The holidays are a magical time, but with it comes a lot of stress, especially when it comes to gift giving. Some people are easy to shop for, but many on our lists are not. Sometimes it feels like many of our loved ones already have everything, like we’ve been buying them the same gifts for years. The best way to break out of the holiday gift giving slump is to gift experiences rather than things.
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The Alien Wonder of Bolivia

The Alien Wonder of Bolivia

25 Nov 2019

Imagine walking along a perfectly flat, crystal clear ground that mirrors the big fluffy clouds in the sky above and your excited traveling self perfectly. This isn’t a fun house or a trick of the eye, this magnificent place is real, and it can be found in the wondrous South American country of Bolivia. Known by the locals as Salar de Uyuni, the salt flats of Bolivia are the largest in the world spanning 10,582 square kilometers at 3,656 meters above sea level. In prehistoric times, the area was a lake that has subsequently gone dry, leaving behind a bright white, desert-like landscape of salt, cactus-laden islands and rock formations. This alien landscape is entirely unique, and has people flocking from all over the world to experience its incomparable beauty.
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Toilets: Creating Better Health and Wellbeing Worldwide

Toilets: Creating Better Health and Wellbeing Worldwide

19 Nov 2019

This 19th November is World Toilet Day, an annual global event organized by UN Water to raise awareness of the crucial role that sanitation plays in reducing disease and creating healthier communities. Our awareness of these different types of toilets around the world can mean the difference between education and unawareness, wellbeing and illness but also wealth and poverty. From preventing illness to fostering education, building more awareness can keep people healthier for longer, especially when 1 in 3 people worldwide don’t have access to hygienic toilet facilities. For some, a toilet isn’t just a toilet - it’s a lifesaver, dignity-protector and opportunity-maker.
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Wild Madagascar

Wild Madagascar

08 Nov 2019

Madagascar is a country unlike any other. It is similar to the Galapagos in its isolation and subsequent development of entirely unique plant and animal species. This incredibly diverse country has so much to explore, and so many creatures in need of protection. One of the best ways to experience this incredible island is on a tour with a local guide. Whether you’re looking for a once in a lifetime wildlife experience, or some interesting, unknown history, Madagascar is a wild destination sure to impress even the most picky traveler.
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Celebrating Life in Mexico

Celebrating Life in Mexico

31 Oct 2019

The air is crisp, the leaves are changing colors, and there’s something spooky in the air. On Halloween it’s impossible to not be excited by all things scary and mythical. While Halloween is a predominantly American holiday, cultures all over the world have their own holidays dedicated to otherworldly beings. Halloween as Americans know it stems from an ancient pagan Celtic festival called Samhain, but perhaps the best known sister of Halloween is Mexico’s Day of the Dead.
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Getting Back to Nature in the Philippines

Getting Back to Nature in the Philippines

27 Oct 2019

White sand beaches, awe inspiring temples, fresh fruit, delicious stews. The Philippines has been a popular destination for Southeast Asia travelers since the beginning of air travel, and it’s not hard to understand why. Made up of 7,500 islands, the Philippines is an environmental marvel and the second largest archipelagos in the world, the perfect place to get back to nature without breaking the bank. Of its 7,500 islands, only 2,000 of them are inhabited and nearly 5,000 of them are still unnamed on global maps. There are countless opportunities to explore new places in the Philippines.
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