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Holidays & tours in Peru

Peru is a premier destination for adventurers and cultural enthusiasts alike, offering a unique blend of history, nature, and adventure. From the ancient ruins of Machu Picchu to the vibrant streets of Cusco and the breathtaking landscapes of the Amazon Rainforest, each corner of Peru tells a story of millennia. Whether you're drawn by the call of the wild or the allure of ancient civilisations, our Peru tours cater to every taste and spirit of adventure, including those looking for exceptional Peru adventure.

As one delves deeper into the natural wonders and historical tapestries of Peru, the country unfolds itself in layers of mystery and majesty. Venture into the Amazon or explore the remote Andean landscapes, where the earth touches the sky and the stars illuminate ancient pathways. Our Peru escorted tours ensure you're fully immersed in the experience, providing knowledge and insight that only seasoned local guides can offer.

Key Takeaways

Explore Ancient Wonders

Machu Picchu Tour: Experience the iconic Incan citadel with expert guides who bring the history and culture of this UNESCO World Heritage site to life. Feel the pulse of history under your feet as you explore its ancient pathways.

Sacred Valley Tour: Discover the picturesque Sacred Valley, known for its stunning landscapes, traditional markets, and archaeological sites. Our Peru group tours offer a comprehensive exploration of this culturally rich area, ensuring a deep connection with the land and its people.

Amazon Rainforest Adventures

Amazon River Cruise: Embark on a thrilling journey through the Amazon Rainforest, spotting exotic wildlife and learning about the ecosystem from knowledgeable guides. This immersive experience is a highlight of our Peru tours, bringing you face-to-face with nature's unbridled beauty.

Tambopata Reserve Tour: Explore the diverse flora and fauna of the Tambopata National Reserve, one of the most biodiverse areas on the planet. This adventure is a must for nature lovers and those interested in biodiversity.

Tour Highlights by Destination

Cusco & The Sacred Valley

Historical Cusco & Machu Picchu

Nestled in the Andes mountains, Cusco is often considered the historical heart of Peru. Once the capital of the Inca Empire, Cusco is now known for its archaeological remains and Spanish colonial architecture. Walking through the city, visitors are greeted by the cobblestone streets of San Blas, the vibrant San Pedro Market, and the stunning Cusco Cathedral that sits on the Plaza de Armas.

The city not only serves as the gateway to the famous Machu Picchu but is itself a site of significant historical importance. Museums like the Inca Museum and the Qorikancha offer insights into the rich history of the region, showcasing artefacts and providing detailed narratives about the Incan way of life. The blend of Incan foundations with colonial constructions gives Cusco a unique architectural beauty that captivates all who visit.

Machu Picchu Ruins

The magnificent ruins of Machu Picchu stand as the pinnacle of true adventure in Peru. This ancient Inca stronghold, perched high in the Andes, captivates visitors with its mysterious beauty and profound historical significance. For those seeking a luxurious journey, the Hiram Bingham Train offers an opulent ride through the scenic countryside, ending at the quaint town of Aguas Calientes.

From here, the final ascent to Machu Picchu can be made, where the Classic Inca Trail trek unveils panoramic vistas and architectural marvels along its path. Each step on this trail is a walk through history, leading to the awe-inspiring sight of the citadel that embodies the ingenuity and spirit of the Inca civilization. Whether accessed by train or on foot, a visit to Machu Picchu is an unforgettable experience, offering deep connection to Peru’s rich past and breathtaking landscapes.

Pisac & Ollantaytambo

Further exploring the Sacred Valley takes one to the towns of Pisac and Ollantaytambo, each renowned for their Inca ruins and living cultures. Pisac is famous for its market, where local artisans sell handmade crafts, textiles, pottery, and jewellery—perfect for those looking to take a piece of Peruvian heritage home. Just beyond the market lie the ruins of an Inca citadel, which command a panoramic view of the surrounding valley.

Ollantaytambo, on the other hand, stands as another marvel of Incan engineering. Known as the last living Inca town because it has been continuously inhabited since the 13th century, Ollantaytambo's stone streets preserve the original Incan layout. Its fortress, a massive structure of terraces and temples, served as a strategic military, religious, and agricultural hub. Tours of these areas not only offer a glimpse into Incan history but also into the resilience of Andean cultures.

Lima & The Coast

Lima City Tour

Lima, the capital of Peru, offers a contrasting experience to the ancient sites found in the Andes. The city boasts a rich history that stretches back to its founding by Francisco Pizarro in 1535. Lima's historical centre is a UNESCO World Heritage site, filled with colonial mansions, churches, and the Presidential Palace.

The city is also known for its vibrant food scene, which can be best experienced in the Miraflores district where one can taste classic Peruvian dishes like ceviche and pisco sour. Museums such as the Larco Museum display extensive collections of pre-Columbian art, while the modern districts of Barranco and San Isidro offer a contemporary cultural experience with their art galleries, nightclubs, and seaside malls.

Paracas & Nazca Lines

Travel south of Lima to the Paracas National Reserve, a haven for biodiversity and a key area for archaeology and history. The reserve's coastline is home to diverse wildlife, including sea lions, penguins, and flamingos. Visitors can take a boat tour to the Ballestas Islands, often referred to as the 'Poor Man’s Galapagos', for a closer look at these animals in their natural habitat.

Further south lies the mysterious Nazca Lines, enormous geoglyphs etched into the desert sands. Believed to be created by the Nazca culture between 500 BCE and 500 CE, these lines form shapes of animals and plants that can only be fully appreciated from the air. Flights over the Nazca Lines offer a unique perspective on these ancient wonders, which have puzzled archaeologists and historians for decades.

The Andean Highlands

Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca is not only the highest navigable lake in the world but also a place of immense cultural significance to the Andean people. Straddling the border between Peru and Bolivia, this vast lake is dotted with numerous islands, each with its unique history and customs.

The Uros, a pre-Incan people, live on floating islands made of reed, which they construct themselves. These islands can be visited by boat from Puno, a lakeside town that serves as a cultural hub in the region. Other islands like Taquile and Amantaní are known for their handicrafts, which are so unique they are recognised by UNESCO. A visit to Lake Titicaca offers not only breathtaking views and tranquil waters but also an invaluable insight into traditional Andean lifestyles.

Arequipa & Colca Canyon

Known as the 'White City', Arequipa charms visitors with its stunning architecture made from sillar, a white volcanic stone. The city is framed by three major volcanoes, which add to its dramatic setting. Arequipa’s historic centre, another UNESCO World Heritage site, features beautifully carved colonial buildings and the impressive Santa Catalina Monastery, which is a city within a city. Just a few hours drive from Arequipa is the Colca Canyon, one of the deepest canyons in the world. The canyon is not only a natural wonder but also a cultural treasure, home to Andean condors and traditional villages where pre-Colombian customs are still practiced. Visitors often go to the Cruz del Condor viewpoint early in the morning to see the condors soar on the thermal currents rising from the canyon.

Exploring these destinations in Peru offers a profound journey through the country's rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty. From the ancient streets of Cusco to the bustling markets of Lima and the serene waters of Lake Titicaca, Peru is a country of diversity, with each destination offering a unique slice of its heritage and natural wonders. Whether it’s the archaeological allure of the Sacred Valley, the historic depths of Lima, or the natural splendour of the Andean highlands, Peru promises an unforgettable adventure for every traveller.

Rainbow Mountain

Adding to the myriad of spectacular natural sites in Peru, Rainbow Mountain, or Vinicunca, offers a visual spectacle unlike any other. Discovered only recently as a major tourist attraction, this mountain is famous for its stunning, striped colors—vivid layers of mineral deposits that have been exposed by erosion. The trek to Rainbow Mountain is becoming a must-do for those visiting the Cusco region, providing an off-the-beaten-path adventure that complements the traditional Inca Trail.

The journey there is challenging but rewarding, taking intrepid travelers through some of the most untouched and breathtaking landscapes in the Andes. At over 5,000 meters above sea level, this hike not only tests your physical stamina but also offers an up-close experience with the unique geography and the vibrant ecosystems of the Andes. For those keen to witness this natural marvel, it is advised to go prepared for varying climates and rugged terrain, ensuring a safe and enjoyable excursion to one of Peru’s most extraordinary sights.

Activities in Focus

Activity Description Location
Inca Trail Trek Explore the ancient pathways to Machu Picchu Cusco
Bird Watching Discover rare species in the Amazon Tambopata
Cultural Festivals Experience vibrant local celebrations Cusco
Sandboarding Adventure sports in the coastal dunes Ica

Travel Tips for Peru

Best Times to Visit

Visiting Peru during the dry season from May to September is ideal for trekking and exploring ancient ruins, while the shoulder seasons of April and October attract fewer tourists and provide pleasant weather. Travellers looking to explore the dense jungle or embark on river adventures should avoid the rainy season when conditions can become challenging.

Currency & Exchange Information

The official currency in Peru is the Sol (PEN). Visitors should exchange currency at official bureaus and use ATMs for withdrawals. Major credit cards are accepted in most tourist areas, offering convenience across cities and popular attractions.

Transportation Options

Peru can be traversed by domestic flights, buses, and trains, with options to fit various travel styles and budgets. For added flexibility and comfort, consider private transfers or renting a car, especially when visiting remote or less accessible destinations.

Local Customs & Etiquette

Understanding and respecting local customs is crucial in Peru. Greet with a friendly handshake, appreciate the cultural significance of coca leaves, and show respect at religious and cultural sites. These practices enrich the travel experience and help build respectful interactions with local communities.

Peruvian Cuisine Recommendations

As a culinary capital, Peru offers delicious food that combines traditional ingredients with innovative cooking techniques. Sample iconic dishes like ceviche, lomo saltado, and aji de gallina. The coast is renowned for its fresh seafood, making it a must-visit for food enthusiasts seeking authentic and flavourful dining experiences.

Practical Information about Peru

Fact Details
Language Spanish, Quechua, Aymara
Voltage 220 V
Entry Requirements Passport with at least six months validity
Health Recommended vaccinations for Yellow Fever and Typhoid

Peru Frequently Asked Questions

What is most visited in Peru?

The most visited site in Peru is undoubtedly Machu Picchu. This ancient Incan city attracts visitors from all around the globe thanks to its stunning location and mysterious history. Other highly visited locations include the historic city of Cusco, the Sacred Valley, and the Colca Canyon.

How many days is good for a Peru trip?

The ideal duration for a trip to Peru largely depends on what you want to explore and experience. For a comprehensive tour that includes Machu Picchu, Cusco, the Sacred Valley, and perhaps a venture into the Amazon or a visit to Lake Titicaca, plan for at least 10 to 14 days. This allows you to travel without rushing and absorb the rich culture and landscapes at a comfortable pace. For those with limited time, a focused 7-day itinerary can cover the main highlights, particularly in the Cusco region and Machu Picchu.

What is the best month to go to Machu Picchu?

The best month to visit Machu Picchu is generally considered to be either May or September. These months fall just after and just before the rainy season, respectively, offering dryer days with fewer tourists than the peak season of June to August. The weather during these months is typically clear and pleasant, providing excellent conditions for photography and exploration of the ruins.

What is the average cost of a trip to Machu Picchu?

The average cost of a trip to Machu Picchu varies widely depending on the type of travel and accommodation chosen, the length of stay, and whether you join a guided tour. Budget travelers might spend around $500 to $700, which includes basic accommodations, entry fees, and transport from Cusco. Mid-range budgets might be around $700 to $1,500, factoring in more comfortable accommodations and guided tours. Luxury travelers can expect to spend upwards of $1,500 to $3,000 or more, especially if opting for luxury train rides like the Hiram Bingham Train and high-end hotels.

How many days do you need for Machu Picchu?

Ideally, you should allocate at least two to three days for a visit to Machu Picchu. This allows one day for travel from Cusco to Aguas Calientes, a full day to explore the Machu Picchu site, and possibly another day to include activities such as hiking Huayna Picchu or Machu Picchu Mountain. If you plan to trek the Classic Inca Trail, you will need about four days.

Can you visit Machu Picchu without a tour group?

Yes, you can visit Machu Picchu without a tour group. Independent travelers can buy entrance tickets in advance and either hike one of the trails or take a bus from Aguas Calientes to the ruins. However, hiring a guide at the site can enhance the experience by providing historical context and insights that you might miss on your own.

How to prepare for a Peruvian jungle trip?

Preparing for a trip to the Peruvian jungle involves several key steps:

  1. Vaccinations: Make sure to get vaccinated against yellow fever, typhoid, and possibly hepatitis A and B. Check with a travel clinic a few months before your trip.
  2. Clothing and Gear: Pack lightweight, breathable clothing but also bring a waterproof jacket and sturdy footwear. Insect repellent, a high-SPF sunscreen, and a hat are essential.
  3. Health Precautions: Bring a supply of any prescribed medications, along with a basic first-aid kit. Anti-malaria medication may be recommended depending on your itinerary.
  4. Physical Fitness: Some jungle excursions can be physically demanding. It's a good idea to improve your stamina with regular exercise before your trip.
  5. Local Knowledge: Read up on the area you will visit, understanding local customs and any potential dangers in the jungle. Hiring a local guide is highly recommended to navigate the dense jungle safely and enjoyably.


Our journeys are crafted to offer an authentic and enriching experience of Peru. From the verdant depths of the Amazon to the ancient heights of the Andes, our Peru escorted and group tours ensure a journey that is as educational as it is exhilarating. Rediscover the joy of exploration with us and make your next travel experience a profound journey through the heart of Peru, complete with the thrill of our exclusive Peru tours.