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Jordan Tours & Day Trips

Welcome to Jordan, a land where ancient treasures and natural wonders converge to create an unparalleled travel experience. From the mystical ruins of Petra to the serene waters of the Dead Sea, Jordan tours offer an unforgettable adventure for every type of traveller. Whether you’re exploring the bustling markets of Amman or the vast enchanting deserts of Wadi Rum, Jordan is a destination that promises to enchant and inspire. Embark on a journey through a country rich in culture, history, and natural beauty, and discover why Jordan Tourstours are a must for adventurers and cultural enthusiasts alike

Tour Highlights by Destination


Amman city, the capital of Jordan, is a vibrant ancient Greco-Roman city that seamlessly blends the old with the new. Here, you can explore ancient ruins like the Roman Theatre and the Citadel, while also enjoying the modern amenities of a bustling metropolis. The city's diverse culinary scene, ranging from street food stalls to high-end restaurants, offers a taste of traditional Jordanian cuisine. Don't miss the lively markets and souks, where you can haggle for unique souvenirs and local crafts.


Petra, often referred to as the "Rose City" due to its stunning red sandstone architecture, is one of the most iconic archaeological sites in the world. This UNESCO World Heritage Site was once the thriving capital of the Nabataean Kingdom. As you walk through the Siq, a narrow gorge that leads to the Treasury, you'll be awestruck by the grandeur of this awe-inspiring ancient city. Spend time exploring its tombs, temples, and theatres, and experience the magic of Petra by night, when thousands of candles illuminate the city.

Wadi Rum

Wadi Rum, also known as the Valley of the Moon, is a breathtaking desert landscape characterized by towering sandstone cliffs and sweeping dunes. This stunning location has been the backdrop for many films, including Lawrence of Arabia and The Martian. Visitors can embark on jeep tours, camel treks, and hot air balloon rides to fully appreciate the dramatic scenery. For an unforgettable experience, spend a night under the stars in a traditional Bedouin camp, where you can enjoy local music, dance, and cuisine.

Dead Sea

The Dead Sea, located at the lowest point on Earth, is renowned for its salty waters and therapeutic mud. This natural wonder offers a unique floating experience due to the high salt concentration. Visitors can relax at luxury resorts along the shoreline, indulge in spa treatments, and explore the nearby Masada Fortress and Ein Gedi Nature Reserve. The Dead Sea's mineral-rich mud is also known for its skin benefits, making it a popular choice for wellness enthusiasts.


Madaba, known as the "City of Mosaics," is famous for its intricate Umayyad and Byzantine mosaics. The most notable mosaic is the 6th-century map of the Holy Land, located in the Church of St. George. This charming town offers a glimpse into Jordan's rich religious heritage and artistic traditions. Stroll through its narrow streets, visit the archaeological park, and enjoy the warm hospitality of its residents.

Mount Nebo

Mount Nebo is one of Jordan's biblical landmarks and holds great religious significance as the site where Moses is said to have seen the Promised Land before his death. From the summit, you can enjoy panoramic views of the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and even Jerusalem on a clear day. Mount Nebo is home to a Franciscan monastery and a church with beautiful mosaics depicting biblical scenes. It’s a peaceful and reflective destination that attracts pilgrims and history enthusiasts alike.


Aqaba City, Jordan’s only coastal city, is a gateway to the Red Sea and a paradise for water enthusiasts. Known for its stunning coral reefs and vibrant marine life, Aqaba offers exceptional opportunities for snorkelling and diving. The city’s warm climate and sandy beaches make it a perfect destination for relaxation and sunbathing. Besides its natural beauty, Aqaba is steeped in history, with sites like the Aqaba Fort, the ancient ruins of Ayla and the Aqaba Archaeological Museum providing a glimpse into its past. The bustling markets and waterfront promenades add to the city’s charm, offering a delightful blend of leisure, adventure, and culture.

Travel Tips for Jordan

Best Times to Visit

The best times to visit Jordan are during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is mild and pleasant. These seasons are ideal for exploring the country's outdoor attractions and avoiding the extreme heat of summer and the chilly temperatures of winter.

Currency & Exchange Information

Jordan's currency is the Jordanian Dinar (JOD), often abbreviated as JD. It's advisable to exchange money at banks, authorised exchange offices, or ATMs. Major credit cards are widely accepted in hotels, restaurants, and shops, but it's always good to carry some cash for smaller transactions and tips.

Transportation Options

Jordan has a variety of transportation options to suit different travel styles and budgets. Public buses and minibuses are available for intercity travel, but they can be crowded and less comfortable. Taxis and ride-sharing services are convenient for getting around cities. For more flexibility and comfort, consider renting a car or booking a private driver. Many tour operators offer guided tours that include transportation, which can be a hassle-free way to explore the country.

Local Customs & Etiquette

Understanding local customs and etiquette can enhance your travel experience in Jordan. Dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites and rural areas. Women should cover their shoulders and knees, while men should avoid wearing shorts. It's customary to greet others with "As-salaam alaykum" (peace be upon you) and respond with "Wa alaykum as-salam" (and peace be upon you). Always ask for permission before taking photos of people, and show respect for local traditions and practices.

Jordan Cuisine Recommendations

Jordanian cuisine is a delightful blend of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern flavours. Don't miss trying traditional dishes like mansaf (a lamb and rice dish with fermented yoghurt sauce), maqluba (an upside-down rice and vegetable casserole), and mezze (a selection of small dishes such as hummus, falafel, and tabbouleh). Jordanian sweets like baklava and knafeh are also a treat for the taste buds. Dining in local restaurants and enjoying street food is a great way to immerse yourself in Jordan's culinary traditions.

Activities in Focus

Activity Description Best Locations
Historical Tours Explore ancient ruins and historical sites on a Petra tour or Jerash tour Petra, Jerash
Desert Adventures Jeep tours, camel rides, and camping in the desert Wadi Rum
Wellness Experiences Float in the Dead Sea, spa treatments, and wellness retreats Dead Sea
Culinary Tours Taste traditional Jordanian dishes and local specialities Amman city, Madaba
Religious Pilgrimages Visit significant religious sites and holy places Mt. Nebo, Madaba

Jordan Frequently Asked Questions

How many days in Jordan is enough?

A well-rounded Jordan tour typically requires at least 7 to 10 days to fully appreciate the main attractions without feeling rushed. This allows time to explore Amman, the Nabatean city of Petra, Wadi Rum, the Dead Sea, and other significant sites.

Is Jordan expensive to visit?

Jordan can be moderately expensive, depending on your travel style and preferences. Accommodation ranges from budget-friendly hostels to luxury resorts, and dining options vary from street food to fine dining. Entrance fees to major sites and guided tours can add up, but there are ways to manage costs by planning and choosing budget-friendly options.

Are tour companies still going to Jordan?

Yes, many reputable tour companies continue to offer Jordan tours, ensuring safe and well-organised travel experiences. These companies often provide guided tours, transportation, and accommodation, making it easier to navigate and enjoy the country's attractions.

Is 7 days enough for Jordan?

While 7 days in Jordan can cover the major highlights, such as Amman, Petra, Wadi Rum, and the Dead Sea, an 11-day journey allows for a more relaxed pace and the opportunity to explore additional sites like Madaba and Mt. Nebo. However, even a week-long trip can be incredibly rewarding.

Is Jordan cheaper than Morocco?

The cost of travel in Jordan and Morocco tours can vary depending on your travel style and preferences. Generally, Morocco is considered to be slightly cheaper than Jordan. Accommodation, food, and transportation tend to be more affordable in Morocco. However, both countries offer a range of options from budget-friendly to luxury, so it's possible to travel economically in Jordan if you plan accordingly. Entrance fees to major sites in Jordan, such as Petra, can be relatively high, but there are also many free or low-cost attractions to enjoy.

Do you need cash in Jordan?

Yes, it's advisable to carry some cash when travelling in Jordan. While major hotels, restaurants, and shops in cities like Amman and tourist areas accept credit cards, smaller businesses, markets, and rural areas often prefer cash. ATMs are widely available in cities and tourist destinations, so you can withdraw Jordanian Dinars (JOD) as needed. It's also useful to have small denominations for tips and small purchases.

Is Jordan a rich or poor country?

Jordan is considered a middle-income country with a diverse economy that includes tourism, agriculture, and services. While it is not one of the wealthiest countries in the region, it has a relatively high standard of living compared to some of its neighbours. Jordan faces economic challenges, including limited natural resources and a high level of public debt. However, it also has a well-educated workforce and is known for its stability and safety in a region often marked by conflict. The tourism sector, including popular Petra tour packages, plays a significant role in the country's economy, providing jobs and income for many Jordanians.

Practical Information about Jordan

Topic Details
Language Arabic (English widely spoken in tourist areas)
Time Zone GMT+3
Visa Requirements Most visitors require a tourist visa; many nationalities receive a visa on arrival
Health Precautions Drink bottled water, be cautious with street food
Electrical Outlets 230V, 50Hz (Type C, D, F, G, and J plugs)
Safety Generally safe; take standard travel precautions

Jordan is a land of contrasts and ancient wonders, offering a rich tapestry of amazing experiences for every traveller. From the bustling streets of Amman to the serene landscapes of Wadi Rum, there is something for everyone. With its ancient sites, vibrant Jordanian culture, and stunning natural beauty, Jordan tours provide a gateway to desert adventures and lifelong memories. Whether you're embarking on Petra tours or looking to make a circuit tour in this beautiful country, consider adding Jordan to your travel bucket list for a truly unique and enriching experience.