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2020 July

Do good this Nelson Mandela International Day!

Do good this Nelson Mandela International Day!

18 Jul 2020

The founding father of peace in South Africa, Nelson Mandela was a fierce advocate for equality and every 18 July we celebrate his legacy the world over. His deep commitment to fairness has become his legacy, inspiring many to work together towards a more equal and just world.
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Travel in the post-COVID-19 era: What does this mean for you?

Travel in the post-COVID-19 era: What does this mean for you?

10 Jul 2020

There’s no denying that the travel industry has been shaken by the repercussions of COVID-19. What we know is that, while travel has been brought to a halt, there is certainly hope for a full recovery in the near future. Will it be the same? It’s highly unlikely. What is likely to change is the way we travel, the higher standards we now expect and the confidence we instil in the travel industry from all aspects; including transport, accommodation and our experiences.
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