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Travel Explorer Blog 2016

Ethiopian tribes

21 Aug 2016

There are numerous Ethiopian tribes and ethnic groups. Just like the people of Africa in general, the people of Ethiopia are a diverse group with over eighty different ethnic groups and languages within its borders. There are different ethnic groups just in the Omo Valley. These include the Benna, Ari, Mursi, Bume, karo, Tsemay, Konso, Hammer, Dassecnech, and Borenna, just to mention a few.
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Ethiopian cooking

12 Mar 2016

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Geography of Ethiopia

04 Feb 2016

Situated between the Red Sea and the Great African Rift Valley, on the eastern flank of Africa, facing Arabia, lays Africa Cradle of Humanity - Ethiopia. Ethiopia is a landlocked country in the northeastern African region known as the Horn of Africa. It is bordered by...
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Practical information

21 Jan 2016

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Things to do in Ethiopia

10 Jan 2016

Ethiopia is full of extraordinary landscapes as well as historical sights. In fact it's the country in Africa with the biggest number of places inscribed to UNESCO world heritage list.
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