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2019 October

Celebrating Life in Mexico

Celebrating Life in Mexico

31 Oct 2019

The air is crisp, the leaves are changing colors, and there’s something spooky in the air. On Halloween it’s impossible to not be excited by all things scary and mythical. While Halloween is a predominantly American holiday, cultures all over the world have their own holidays dedicated to otherworldly beings. Halloween as Americans know it stems from an ancient pagan Celtic festival called Samhain, but perhaps the best known sister of Halloween is Mexico’s Day of the Dead.
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Getting Back to Nature in the Philippines

Getting Back to Nature in the Philippines

27 Oct 2019

White sand beaches, awe inspiring temples, fresh fruit, delicious stews. The Philippines has been a popular destination for Southeast Asia travelers since the beginning of air travel, and it’s not hard to understand why. Made up of 7,500 islands, the Philippines is an environmental marvel and the second largest archipelagos in the world, the perfect place to get back to nature without breaking the bank. Of its 7,500 islands, only 2,000 of them are inhabited and nearly 5,000 of them are still unnamed on global maps. There are countless opportunities to explore new places in the Philippines.
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Ethiopia: A Truly Unique, Undiscovered Adventure

Ethiopia: A Truly Unique, Undiscovered Adventure

21 Oct 2019

In the age of affordable flights and accessible travel, it can feel like there are few unexplored frontiers left on earth for adventurous travellers looking to see something new. Luckily for travelers looking to get far from the beaten path, Ethiopia is a country that is rich in culture and natural beauty and hasn’t yet been overrun by tourists. It is one of only two African countries that have never been colonized, which means Ethiopia is a rare place where the culture was able to grow and change on its own without influence from the western world. The word is spreading quickly on this once in a lifetime travel destination, and this hidden gem won’t stay hidden for long.
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An Exploration of Egyptian Vegetarian Food

An Exploration of Egyptian Vegetarian Food

16 Oct 2019

One of the most common questions I get about traveling is “isn’t it hard to travel as a vegetarian?” People are often surprised when I tell them about all of the options out there for us veggies. No matter where in the world I am, I can always find delicious, local, vegetarian options. It’s easier and more varied in some countries than in others, but so far the absolute best place I’ve visited for vegetarians is Egypt.
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How travel can improve your mental health

How travel can improve your mental health

10 Oct 2019

When we think about the benefits of travel, we often look past the effect it has on our mental health. While travel can mean different things to each of us; you might be interested in learning about a new culture, seeing an extraordinary landscape or simply wanting to relax, no matter your motivation there is a collective benefit when we take a break from our day to day lives. This October 10 is World Mental Health Day, where we can come together to raise awareness of mental health issues and advocate against a social stigma. While there’s no shortage of scientific research that suggests that travel is good for our physical, emotional and mental well-being. What’s difficult to know is, when and how travel can benefit us.
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Australia's Unique Wildlife and Vibrant Cities

Australia's Unique Wildlife and Vibrant Cities

03 Oct 2019

Located at the bottom of the world, Australia is hiding some incredible travel gems, both natural and human-made. There is no other country in the world that can boast such a diverse array of wildlife as well as world famous, vibrant cities. A trip to Australia is a trip that will give you the best of both the natural world and modern life. Traveling this stunning country is an adventure not to be missed.
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