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Water supply in Ethiopia

Scarcity of water is a serious problem not only in Addis Ababa but also in rural area of Ethiopia. Harar city known for its surrounding walls is also known for scarcity of water. The government couldn’t distribute tap water in all rural areas of the country. Rather the locals are digging wells to find water.  An expert is welcome to handle water drilling machines and water treatment pills. The US–PSI is introducing water guards, treatment skills in rural areas. The private NGO water resource management is hiring many international volunteers in water projects in Ethiopia.

Water resource management has free swimming pool in its head quarter and gives free accommodation. You can contact us to get details of the above firms or others which are working on different versions of water projects.

Ethiopia is among the countries promised at the millennium development Goals MDG  to provide access to supply water and sanitation fully in 2015.

In 2001 the government adopted a water and sanitation strategy that called for more decentralised decision-making; promoting the involvement of all stakeholders, including the private sector; increasing levels of cost recovery; as well as integrating water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion activities. Implementation of the policy apparently is uneven.


What we do?

The first activity of the current Exploriada team was voluntarily supplying water pipe lines to village Ankorcha at the outskirts of Addis Ababa under Elshaday Child Care & Community Development organisation (ECCCD). The ecology of the area is now conserved by planting trees there and the scarcity of water in the village is still undergoing. The difficulty was the village is located far from Addis Ababa and the mountainous nature of the area. Technical skills are requested from the NGO Water Aid and water resource management. Financial & technical aids are urgently needed to accomplish the mission that has been started 5 years ago. Still when we are guiding tourists to the church made by rock, it is customary to see school age children, and women carrying buckets of water from Addis Ababa to Ankorcha for 1 and half hour walking distance.