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Mukuru Slums Education Program

Mukuru Slums are the second largest in Kenya, second only to the Kibera slums, which is considered one of the largest slums in the world. Within the Mukuru Slums there is a population of over half a million people where access to clean water, sanitation, education and medical facilities is at its lowest. Crime, drugs, prostitution, abortions and many other vices are the order of the day. It is a normal thing to find a premature baby aborted and thrown along the pathways where robberies and drugs are a persistent problem.

It is these conditions that made us initiate the idea of starting education programs within these slums. We established Joy House Education Centre that oversees three Mukuru Education Centres with over 600 children.

The challenge we face today is the high number of children who want to join the centres but the space and resources are limited. We have very few volunteer teachers compared to the number of children who want to attend. We receive school supplies from volunteers and tourists who come to travel on safaris in Kenya. We also welcome volunteer teachers.

Through Pack For A Purpose, we get some school supplies though the demand is very high. In addition the donations given help us construct more classes and hire more qualified teachers. Our doors also remain open to volunteer teachers, donation of school supplies, new and used clothes and shoes, gently used or new laptops among others. We are also open on new ideas on how we can improve this slum through education.


Pack for Purpose

We are proud members of Pack for a Purpose, an initiative that allows travellers like you to make a lasting impact in the community at your travel destination. If you save just a few kilos of space in your suitcase and bring supplies for area schools or medical clinics in need, you’ll make a priceless impact on the lives of our local children and families.

The Joy House is benefiting 300 young children, providing local employment to pre-school teachers and helping communities to look after their most vulnerable youngsters. Most people recognise the critical link between the foundation which nursery, preschool and primary education provides, and the level of success that students will experience later on based on this education. Those first formative years are essential to a child's development as a whole.

The Kenyan government recognises this link and encourages communities to set up local nurseries, preschools and primary schools. However, with no financial support, the reality is that schools are almost always run on a voluntary basis without any resources, and most teachers work for free, often in buildings which are unsuitable, or sometimes, unsafe for children.

The Joy House School is making a difference in early education by ensuring that the nursery, preschool and primary school are equipped with the essential components necessary to providing this project: enthusiastic teachers, varied learning resources, a fun place to learn, and coordinated support from Joy House at a senior level.


Much needed supplies

General School Supplies:
Book bags, chalk, coloured construction paper, coloured pencils, compasses, craft scissors, crayons, dry erase markers, erasers, glue sticks, hand held pencil sharpeners, markers, notebooks, pencils, pencil cases/bags, pens, protractors, rulers, solar calculators, water colour paints, water colour paint brushes

Flash Cards:
alphabet flash cards, maths flash cards, word flash cards, in English

Wall Charts:
Human body educational wall charts, language educational wall charts, maths educational wall charts, science educational wall charts, world maps, in English

Text/Reading Books:
Age appropriate story books, biology text books, exercise books, general science text books, health text books, language/grammar text Books, maths text books, in English

Computer Hardware/Software:
Flash drives/memory sticks, printers, solar-powered working laptops, working laptops, USB cables

Chess sets, Scrabble, stuffed animals/soft toys

Sports/Outdoor Activity:
Inflation pumps, soccer balls, tennis balls

New or gently used children's clothing, New or gently used children's shoes

First Aid/Health:
Antibiotic ointment, Band-Aids, Sanitary napkins, tampons


School Name: Joy House School

School Level: Nursery, preschool, primary

School Number: 300

School Age Range: 4-15

School Language: in English