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Güell Park

Created by the renowned Spanish architect, Antonio Gaudí between 1900 and 1914, Parc Güell is a fantasy land that combines the natural and the man-made. The park was originally conceived as a residential garden city and built for Gaudí’s patron, Eusebi Güell Bacigalupi, a textile manufacturer who had a keen interest in the arts and helped develop the architect’s career. The project was not a great commercial success, however, and the park became municipal property in 1923. Covering a hill to the north of Barcelona and offering excellent views of the city, the park has fantastic pavilions, stairways and columned halls. Highlights include the giant lizard that divides the grand stairway, reputedly the most photographed symbol of the park. Guadi's former residence in the park, Casa-Museu Gaudí houses a collection of Gaudí’s furnishings and other memorabilia.