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Parthenon (Acropolis Hill)

Among the monuments of the Acropolis of Athens, Parthenon is the most magnificent, the temple of Parthenon was dedicated to the goddess Athena, protector of the Ancient city of Athens. Parthenon is one of the most most famous buildings of the world and if it was build some centuries before, then probably we would be talking about the 8 wonders of the world instead of 7. Its unique architecture inspired the architectural style of the western world. Universities, Public buildings, Palaces, Parliaments, libraries have been build inspired from the Dorian style and the Architecture of Parthenon. Parthenon was build during the Golden Era of Athens under Pericles administration. by the architects Iktinos and Kalikrates. For its construction they used marble from the mount of Penteli. Parthenon of AthensThe Magnificent statue of Athens was made by Phidias one of the most famous sculptors of this time. Phidias used for the creation of the statue wood, ivory and gold. Unfortunately the statue was disappear during the middle ages. The most amazing architectural achievement of Parthenon is the harmony of this massive building with the Attica landscape. The external pillars of Parthenon are not exactly straight , they are slightly curved so they give an optical illusion as they where straight from every angle you will look. Parthenon was kept as it was in the Antiquity until 1687 when it was almost destroyed during a siege of Athens by the Venetians from a bomb that came from the fleet of admiral Morozini. The bomb had strike inside the temple where the Turks had used it as a gun powder store. The most important remains of the Partenon freeze are today in display at the British museum.