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Festival on the Niger

Founded in 1852, Segou, keeper of one of the most ancient histories of West Africa, and capital of the ancient Bambara kingdom, has an undeniable charm which is well worth discovering. An ancient kingdom of culture and tradition, Segou has inspired numerous writers and historians. Among the most famous is Maryse Condé.

Segou is also a region of traditional music and dance. The fifth Festival on the Niger, which will take place in Segou at the end of January every year, offers you a unique spectacle, with music and dance from the region, as well as well-known West-African artists, who will play on the river Niger.

Through the varied program, the Festival on the Niger offers you an interdisciplinary and intercultural meeting, bringing together people from Segou, Malians and foreigners from all over the world, sharing the same wish: to discover the other and to learn from our differences.